VIVENDI® PEP has been successfully rolled out at institut Hartheim:

The institute commissioned x-tention to roll out VIVENDI® PEP as a standardized roster system to replace its existing system.

The customer and its affiliated organizations (NOAH Sozialbetriebe, Schön für besondere Menschen and Hartheim Handel) employ around 800 people in total.
The project’s objective was to set up the standard VIVENDI® PEP software throughout the organization while ensuring that all regulatory and customer-specific requirements were met. x-tention was commissioned to take on the overall responsibility of managing the operational side of the ‘VIVENDI® PEP at Institut Hartheim’ project, which included implementing interfaces to third-party systems (BMD) in addition to rolling out the software. x-tention implemented an extra module alongside VIVENDI® PEP – VIVENDI® PEP SelfService. It provides employees with a web browser interface for accessing their personal data, recording their work schedule and requesting annual leave.

x-tention were able to configure the system with standard settings for the whole group thanks to a fruitful collaboration and well-consolidated requirements from the customer. Procedures that were carefully drawn up during the pilot phase made it easier for the project team to manage the roll-out. The training sessions were also a key part of the process as it always becomes apparent, especially during training, just how important it is to have clear navigation and user-friendly operation. The training videos created by Hartheim staff give VIVENDI® PEP SelfService users extra support in addition to the software instructions.

Employees, managers and schedule planners now have a reliable roster system to support them in their day-to-day operations. The software allows users to access information ad hoc so that they can provide details about the hours worked while on call and amount of time off in lieu, for example. Software can offer full functionality while remaining intuitive to use; the two are not mutually exclusive. The user interface is standardized, uniform and well laid out, making it easy for users to learn how to navigate the software.
The project was successfully completed in July 2020.

‘Thank you for your excellent cooperation while running the project! We really appreciated how expertly you handled our requirements,’ says Mr Bammer (project team member).

Josef Bammer


Sharing results using VIVENDI® in connection with the A1 DaMe service::

Das best practice Beispiel von VIVENDI® und DaMe zeigt, wie Heime und niedergelassene Ärzte schnell, sicher und digital kommunizieren und das nicht nur zu Corona-Zeiten. 

The ‘Best Practice’ model from VIVENDI® and DaMe shows how residential care institutions and general practitioners can communicate quickly and securely using digital solutions, now and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Customer statement: ‘Using VIVENDI® software and the A1 DaMe service to communicate with general practitioners is a great example of how digitalization in healthcare can be useful and effective. It makes the process of sharing results and communication between carers, doctors and residents simpler, quicker and more secure. Results and doctors’ letters can easily be sent, received and saved straight in the VIVENDI® file storage. Simply perfect!’

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