The future is digital
Every organization faces the challenge to emerge as a winner from digital transformation. IT has an important role to play and it is a core management task to drive digitisation in a way that achieves the greatest possible benefit for the organisation.
Our IT management consulting helps you to develop the right digital strategies and implementation plans. We have made it our mission to turn the digital transformation of your business into a success. Together with you, we can increase the innovative power and ability to change your organization and enhance your IT environment to support digital processes and business models in the best possible way.
Digital strategy
To develop digital strategies and digital business models, as well as increase innovative ability and customer benefit, we provide the following competences for planning digital transformation:
Digital business strategy
Develop digital strategies and digital business models using our digital transformation business framework.
Digital transformation roadmap
Analyse and reconcile the status of your business. Develop the necessary initiatives to achieve your goal.
Digital transformation readiness
Bring together decision-makers from business and IT around one table to understand individual perspectives to reach a common goal and develop plans.
Innovation management
Increasing innovative ability and customer benefit: We build up innovation competence with you and/or conduct methodologically sound innovation workshops.
Digital transformation
To decipher complexity, to win your workforce over to change, to structure and manage transformation, we provide the following competencies:
Transformation management
The implementation of transformation requires more than project management. We know how to manage transformation successfully. With "CDO enablement" we offer a kick-start program to quickly develop the necessary skills and structures.
Communication and change management
Communication is the critical success factor for transformation. Through targeted measures, we turn those affected into participants and motivate the workforce to play an active role in shaping the implementation of measures.
Program and project management
Decipher, structure and control complex projects. We have the key competencies for this: program and project management, project portfolio management and PMO.
Leadership 4.0
Leadership is more than management. Today, visionaries are in demand, those who set the direction, lead the way and moderate interdisciplinary teams. We support you in establishing the appropriate leadership culture.
IT goes digital
To develop IT into a digital business partner and to build the right IT environment to support a digital enterprise, we bring the following competencies:
Digital IT strategy
The IT strategy must support the company's digital strategy and consider the new role of IT. Based on a 360-degree assessment, we develop a digital IT strategy and the roadmap for implementation.
Future IT organisation
The sustainable IT organisation must be prepared for change, allow for new work and ever faster development cycles. This requires the right structures, but also culture, mindset, skillset and a new management culture.
Cloud & sourcing roadmap
Cloud services enable the use of the innovative power of hyperscalers. The right sourcing mix and professional management of external services ensure flexible state-of-the-art IT.
Infrastructure roadmap
A future-proof IT infrastructure is a basis for transforming and modernising IT operations, and thus a prerequisite for the digitisation of business processes.
Application roadmap
Digitisation means the continuous mapping of business processes in digital systems. This includes the reduction of redundancies and a smooth integration of the application landscape.
Target operating model
The plan-build-run paradigm has become less important as an IT operating model. Digital transformation requires an innovate-design-transform model