For successful digitalization in the healthcare sector, you must fulfil top-level security standards for exchanging medical data between institutions and stakeholders in the treatment process. Encrypted dispatch and receipt of personal data strengthens public trust in medical institutions. At the same time, for a health system to function properly, it is paramount that IT structures operate smoothly. If, for instance, required examination results or medical devices are not available, lives could potentially be at risk. 

We bring in our expertise to help decision-makers minimize risks and develop or optimize their security strategies. Cutting-edge operation management with external data protection officers and IT security experts guarantees that information is kept secure, and all patients, staff and research data are protected. Our experts support the digitalization process right from the start, helping implement and operate new IT infrastructures. They also help set up a state-of-the-art security environment and apply statutory regulations such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

x-tention can provide important partners in the form of an external chief information security officer (CISO) and data protection officer (DPO). The CISO and DPO take a neutral, external approach, advising companies on security and data protection matters, taking the pressure off the IT department and ensuring that statutory regulations and standards are adhered to. The experts perform annual security and data protection audits and provide awareness training for the employees responsible.



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