The x-tention group creates tailored solutions for patient portals, based on the Orchestra eHealth Suite.

As well as accessing documents, image data and structured medical data, patients themselves can provide important information and data via the portal, using the upload function or by filling in forms. Integrated, value-adding digital services such as online appointment scheduling, secure communication and access to managed administrative and medical information are useful applica-tions for patients and hospitals. After creating a secure user account and with appropriate authoriza-tions, patients and service providers can use cutting-edge portal interfaces or mobile apps to access these services. 

x-tention’s flexible and high-performance integration technology, which supports interface standards such as HL7v2, IHE, HL7 FHIR and DICOM, allows the solution to be closely integrated with the hos-pital information system and subsystems. x-tention’s patient portal is not only suitable for a single hospital, but it can also be set up as a cost-effective and data protection-compliant solution for hospital groups and operators, or for whole regions. 


With its range of functions, the x-tention solution fulfils all essential criteria and most of the optional criteria in funding scenario 2 of the German Hospital Future Act. So projects like this – building pa-tient portals for hospitals in Germany – are eligible for funding.

As a complete solutions provider, x-tention offers not only software, but also an array of consulting and implementation services, plus operation of the solution. Our staff have many years of experience from numerous national and international projects building patient portals for our clients. 
For further information, please see our newsletter articles or website.

At DMEA in Berlin you’ll find us in Hall 4.2 at Stand B-105.

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