As part of the HIS implementation for state hospitals in the federal state of Lower Austria, we mi-grated the interfaces of all medical systems in all state hospitals to Orchestra.

We created a framework to ensure that the switch from the old to the new HIS went as smoothly as possible during the test and implementation phases, and particularly during the time-critical go-live phase.

This framework (the Bilbao framework) enhances Orchestra’s already extensive features by adding black hole and white hole signals (worm holes), which allow ad hoc data exchange between subsys-tems without requiring them to be directly connected.
This enables you to connect a single subsystem to two different HIS at the same time, or even, for example, to integrate productive and test systems to a limited extent for performing integration tests.

In addition, the framework provides methods that allow you to create and use cross-system com-ponents when forwarding and processing messages.
That means that you can also implement new requirements in the existing heterogeneous system landscape with minimum effort and cost, providing optimum support for the coming HIS switch.

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