As an IT group with a comprehensive portfolio of products and services for the healthcare sector, we have a great responsibility to our customers and partners. Our top priority is to ensure that all our products and services remain fully operational. We are keeping a very close eye on the development of the global Covid-19 pandemic and are continuously assessing the situation. Since the beginning we have taken an active approach to crisis management, which allows us to react quickly and effectively to new developments.

Fully operational, even in a crisis

All our services are currently continuing without restriction. We maintain a close, proactive dialogue with all the customers and partners of our group of companies and react swiftly when something unforeseen occurs. All the x-tention group’s existing helplines and contacts remain available. It is important to us that we take a responsible approach to the current situation, so please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions.

Current information about how we are protecting our staff

The health and safety of our employees is also important to us. We have taken comprehensive steps to protect them and are doing all we can to prevent our workforce from contracting and spreading Covid-19:

  • Many employees are working from home. Appointments requiring in-person attendance in the office are kept to a minimum.
  • We only hold in-person meetings with external contacts in exceptional circumstances, following discussion with our customers and partners and after obtaining explicit permission from management/heads of department.
  • Our company doctors and our colleagues in the HR department are available to answer any questions that our employees may have about occupational health and safety.

On behalf of the entire x-tention group, we would like to wish you the very best and trust that you will remain safe and healthy during this difficult and challenging time.

Herbert Stöger and Wolfgang Pramendorfer 

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